How to Succeed by Being Your Own Teacher

Since there have been things to build and fix, we’ve needed men like you to meet the needs of our country. flexed biceps: medium-light skin tone 
In today’s world, the rate at which new technology is being developed means that the guys that have been around for decades might not have all the answers—and you can’t teach what you’ve never learned!
No one had the answers to Jason Barrett’s questions, so he figured he’d just have figure it out himself—and that’s exactly what he did. 
In this new episode of “TPSW”, host Michael Peatrowsky and guest Jason Barrett discuss how Jason’s “be your own teacher” approach to troubleshooting helped him succeed and climb to higher positions within the skilled trades industry. 
Check it out.
Main Takeaways:
hammer and wrench | Realizing that you don’t have to know everything can help you relax and become better at your job.
hammer and wrench | Asking the more experienced guys around you for help can help you attain knowledge and climb to higher positions in the trades. 
hammer and wrench | When PLC troubleshooting, get used to the idea that you have to be your own teacher. 
hammer and wrench | More so than your job, family is the most important thing. 
alarm clock 00:00-06:29 | Why you should be prepared to teach yourself 
alarm clock 06:30-14:04 | How exposure helps you gain experience and climb the industry ladder
alarm clock 14:04-19:14 | How technical manuals and blueprints can be your saving grace 
alarm clock 19:14-23:26 | How the young guys can improve old patterns of the trades industry 
speech balloon The biggest challenge I faced was learning to relax a little bit about having to know everything.” - Jason Barrett, Electrical and Control Technician
speech balloon One of the things that really helped was to ask questions of the more experienced guys around me.” - Jason Barrett, Electrical and Control Technician
speech balloon You’ve gotta be willing to be your own teacher. In this field, no one else is going to train you—you have to train yourself.” - Jason Barrett, Electrical and Control Technician
speech balloon If you’re able to read a manual and then move that knowledge to your hands, you will succeed.” - Jason Barrett, Electrical and Control Technician
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